Renault 5 EV teased with production details

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Post by Rob »

Tucked away in Renault’s Technocentre engineering complex, the Global Production Engineering Center brings the first tangible representations of future Renault models to life. This unique, secret and high-tech miniature plant is where the very first all-electric Renault 5 vehicles are assembled.


Before large-scale production of the all-electric Renault 5 can start at the Douai plant in northern France, prototypes need to be produced at the Prototype Build Centre. This facility is where all prototypes of future Renault production models are developed. First come “mules”, which are technically representative of the future production version. Manufactured from October 2021 onwards, the mules for the future all-electric Renault 5, featuring a Clio-like silhouette, were tested in Lapland as part of the development and testing process. We have pictures of the Renault 5 Mules on our site from last September.

The new R5 prototypes are known as the “vehicle check” prototypes, which are true to the design of the future production version, and are currently being produed. These camouflaged vehicles are driven on European roads before the final adjustments are made. The Renault 5 prototypes are dressed in a thin black wrap with yellow or red accents highlighting the character lines of the bodywork. These are by far the most revealing shots of the Renault 5 to date, proving how close the final product will be to the previewing concept from 2021.






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